Torcret machine for sale
2018-02-28 10:29:17
Shotcrete machine is also know as trcret machine according to the structure, Motor drive rotor rotate, materials come into the rubber chamber in the rotor and conveyed into nozzle by compressed air. Torcret machine for sale is widely used for slope-protection, swimming pool etc. project.
As torcret machine supplier leader in China, Lead Equipment have developed many model torcret machine. They are divided to dry mix shotcrete machine and wet mix shotcrete machine according to different spraying process. Customers could choose need torcret machine as the output and max. aggregate size project demands. For some inconvenient to get the electric supply of the work site, we have air motor and diesel engine for option. Whatever type torcret machine, all need air compressor to provide compressed air for proper operation of the shotcrete machine. Only air motor drive shotcrete machine will need much more air consumption, on the one hand, compressed air will be used for driving air motor, on the other hand, compressed air will be also used for conveying materials.