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Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China

Concrete sprayer machine for sale

2018-05-08 17:14:11

Concrete spraying technology is a method of machine spraying of reinforced and non-reinforced concrete layers on vertical walls, in particular, and ceilings which can be of irregular shapes.

Concrete sprayer machine works on the principle of pneumatic transport of concrete mixture, it is divided into dry mix shotcrete machine and wet mix shotcrete machine according to different adding water process.

For dry concrete spraying machine, the dry mixture for spraying or transportation is poured in the machine and smoothly fills the cylinders of the rotor below the hopper. To fill a mixture into the rotor more easily, a vibrator and a rippling are fitted in the hopper. The rotating movement of the rotor moves the mixture along by 180°in the clockwise direction. The mixture is thus blown out from individual cylinders of the rotor into transport hoses. As the mix passes through the blower into the transport hoses, lower pressure air is added to enhance the continuous flow of the material in hoses. The hoses are equipped with the spraying nozzles at the end, into which the mixing water is fed at the same time to wet the transported mixture. The required wetting of the mixture is controlled with the supply cock. Dry shotcreting is based on pneumatic transport of dry mixtures and their moistening at the moment of actual spraying. The dry mixture is transported from the machine (concrete spraying machines, shotcreting machines) to the place of spraying by transport hoses with spraying jets and gauge water to moisten the sprayed mixture as required.

dry mix shotcrete machine


dry mix shotcrete machine process

dry concrete spraying machine process

For wet mix concrete spraying machine, when the concrete mixture is applied in so-called wet method, the hopper is filled in with the prepared wet mix. In principle, the mix passes through the machine in the same way as when spraying the dry mixture. A hose for addition of chemical additives (e. g. accelerating admixture) is taken from the external dosing pump GH15-200 to the spraying nozzle instead of mixing water. During wet shotcreting, the concrete spraying machine (shotcreting machine) is filled with a completely wet and premixed mixture. A stream of compressed air can transfer the wet mixture out from the concrete spraying machine (shotcreting machine).

wet mix shotcrete machine


wet mix shotcrete machine process

wet mix concrete spraying machine process

Compared with wet mix concrete spraying machine have follow advantage:

1. Contrary to the dry method, the generation of dust is almost eradicated and the falling off of the material is significantly reduced to about 10%.

2. It is also possible to adjust the water coefficient W/C more efficiently and the quality of sprayed concrete is not affected as much by the service personnel as they are not required to adjust the water flow.
Spraying concrete machine is used in particular for:

1.Preliminary sealing with the hardening agent

2. Primary sealing of concrete and rocks

3. Grouting brickwork and panels

4. Plastering bigger concrete areas

5. Maintenance work in shafts and tunnels

6. Reinforcement of slopes

7. Repairs and lining of furnaces, boilers, range of coke ovens etc. in hot or cold environments 

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