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Grouting Plant
Grout Mixer and Agitator
Grout Pump
Refractory Gunite/Mixer
Shotcrete Machine
Industrial Peristaltic Pump
Foam Concrete Machine
Concrete Mixer
Concrete Pump
Plaster Machine
hydraulic pump station
Customized Service









Xisihuan Ring-Road East, Tielu, Xiliu Lake sub-district, Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou, Henan China

Foam concrete machine for making wall

CLC foamed concrete is used for building cottages, wall insulation in multistory buildings and internal partitions. Also CLC can be produced and poured for floors and roofs on-site. In roofs it can be used because of very good insulating and lightweight. For floors CLC offers faster installation and a less expensive option because of the flowing and self-leveling properties.

Cellular light weight concrete, even in the structural grade densities, is nearly three times thermally more efficient than brick or mud walls. Therefore even thinner walls of CLC are better thermal comfort than single bricks/ dense concrete block walls.

CLC is easy to produce using our foam concrete machine. The ingredients are cement, sand, water and foaming agent. The components are foam concrete mixer and foam concrete pump.

foam concrete mixer

foam concrete pump

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